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Input Schema

An input Graphical User Interface (GUI) schema is used to define the input fields and validation rules for a GUI.

To Add Input GUI Schema:

  1. Select Add Input GUI Schema option.
  2. In the Schema Editor, select SIMPLE or ADVANCED.

  1. If you selected the SIMPLE option, enter the schema as sample JSON data and click OK.
  2. If you selected the ADVANCED option, click Add Field.

  1. In the Field dialog box, enter the following information:

  • Key: The name of the input field.
  • Label: The label that appears next to the input field.
  • Parser: The parser to use for the input field.
    The available options are Json Path, Template, and User Input.
  • Required: Enable it if the input field is required.
  • Multi Value: Enable it if the input field can accept multiple values.
  • UI Control: The type of user interface control to use for the input field.
    The available options are Dropdown, Input, Text Area, Checkbox, Condition, and Object.
  1. To add additional fields to the input schema, repeat step 5.
  2. Select OK to save the input schema.

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